Getting Started

Great choice! You have made the decision to learn more about how either you or someone you know can personally get involved with the sport of shooting.

Welcome to the family.

In addition to learning the safety procedures for safe shooting, there are many ways to get started in the sport. Below are some over simplified steps to getting active. Remember, you should contact a club or shooting range near you for more extensive details.

Find a shooting club near you or take a shooting class to learn about safety and how to shoot. At the beginning levels, Western Cape Pistol Federation offers shooting programs that will provide the initial training and guidance to begin the process. The advanced stages of the sport fall under the South African Pistol Association that lead to international competition.

Take the time to visit one of the many affiliated Western Cape Pistol Federation Clubs across the Province. They host matches for shooters of all ages and have open shooting times for those interested.

Join the Western Cape Pistol Federation (WCPF) to become eligible to compete in sanctioned South African Pistol Association (SAPA) matches. Learn about the benefits and costs of membership. Youth and adults alike can shoot in sanctioned matches for their respective shooting category by taking part in league competitions through WPPA.

Practice, practice, practice and stick with it. Many people start a sport, but do not commit to it. As you continue to practice you will continue to see improvement. Just remember, it takes time to learn your best techniques and your favourite equipment. Pick up a few pointers under the frequently asked questions section. Also, take part in coaching clinics. There are often local clinics offered through the various clubs. Seek them out in your area to continue your learning.

Once you become acquainted with the sport of shooting take the next step and get involved. Compete! Shoot in local, regional or even national contests. You can access your score information online at

The more you compete, the better your chances of earning yourself a place on the National Ranking or National Records listings.

To earn a place in the Western Cape Team shooters must take part in league events. The shooters compete on an even footing with other shooters of their class, as they compete in grading bands from Bronze on to Silver and then on to Gold, finally they compete at the Master and High Master Level. It is at this level that the South African Team is selected.
Earning your place in the National Team could make you eligible to represent South Africa in National or International competition. It is through participation on the South African national team that shooters secure their place in the South African Olympic Shooting Team.

It takes many years and active involvement in shooting to be named to an Olympic Team, but the experience is one of a kind. Visit the ISSF section to learn more about which disciplines are shot in the most prestigious shooting event in the world.